I hope you’ve enjoyed or are about to enjoy my portfolio. I’m most at home in Unreal C++, but I love to work on new and exciting projects especially if I’m walking head first into the unknown. Whether its building camera AI, dabbling in Tech Design in an ancient engine, animating a skeletal mesh I created, data driving all the guns, or building a Deckbuilding Game I enjoy it all.
As a teammate I find myself asking the questions to keep us on pace. Are we building a mechanic for today or architecting the system for tomorrow? I won’t hesitate to ask for feedback and confirm that what I’m working on will actually be to the benefit of the end user, the level designers. I mean if they won’t use my sweet grappling hook, did I really even make it?
Besides programming I love rock climbing, travel, and of course games. My favorite video games vary from League of Legends to Slay the Spire. I love all variations of strategy games. This love extends to boardgames where my favorite is Clank! Legacy. The genre of Deckbuilding adventure is incredibly addictive at merging strategy and chance to make a highly replayable experience. Slay the Spire kept me glued to the screen for weeks. Besides all of that I’ve been trying to keep up with reading Brandon Sanderson’s novels!